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A Review of Mixtiles' Photo Tiles: Are They Worth It?

Sticking to the Wall or Falling Flat?

Mixtile 2022 photo tile review, DID THEY FAIL THIS TIME?!

Welcome to another episode of Photography Talk! Today, we're taking a break from our usual content to dive into the world of photo tiles. Specifically, we'll be reviewing the photo tiles from Mixtiles, a company that has caught our attention. But before we get into the details, let's talk about why we do these reviews in the first place.

When it comes to filling up your walls with photos, there are countless companies claiming to have the best photo tiles. But here's the catch: many of these websites simply regurgitate marketing material without actually testing the products themselves. That's where we come in. We order the prints, we test them, and we give you an honest review.

Many websites claim to have the best photo tiles, but have they actually tested them?

So, let's dive into the world of Mixtiles. These photo tiles are known for their easy installation and the ability to rearrange them without damaging your walls. But do they live up to the hype? Let's find out.

First, let's talk about the packaging. The prints come in a light-duty box, with each tile separated by cardboard bits to prevent rubbing during shipping. The frames are made of plastic, which makes them lightweight and ideal for sticking to the wall with the provided stickers.

Now, let's talk about the print quality. The images are printed on a flat finish, and while the resolution is decent, the colors can appear a bit flat. Keep in mind that these are not high-end gallery prints, but rather affordable options for homeowners looking to create a gallery wall.

Installation is fairly straightforward. The stickers on the back of the tiles adhere well to the wall, but we did experience some issues with tiles falling off after a couple of days. However, we're giving Mixtiles another chance to see if this was just a one-time issue.

Overall, Mixtiles offers a convenient and affordable option for creating a gallery wall. While the print quality may not be on par with professional prints, they are a great choice for homeowners looking to add a personal touch to their walls. Just be aware of the potential for tiles to fall off.

So, if you're in the market for photo tiles, give Mixtiles a try. And remember, always do your research and read reviews before making a purchase. Happy decorating!