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The Simple Bread Recipe You Need to Try at Home

Baking your way to deliciousness

How To Make Bread | Jamie Oliver - AD

Are you looking for a simple bread recipe that you can easily make at home? Look no further! In this article, we'll show you a trusted and foolproof way to bake your own bread.

To start, you'll need one kilo of strong bread flour. Make a well in the flour and add yeast to some tepid water. Let the yeast activate by leaving it for about five minutes. You can also add a pinch of sugar to feed the yeast and give your bread a beautiful darker crust.

Turn the everyday and the boring into something sublime and gorgeous

Next, add a couple of pinches of salt to the flour and wait for the yeast to activate. Once the yeast is bubbling, add the water to the well and mix it with a fork until it forms a smooth elastic dough. Depending on the weather and the flour, you may need to adjust the amount of water or flour to achieve the right consistency.

Now comes the fun part - kneading the dough! There's no specific technique, just move it, stretch it, and rip it. Rub it onto a marble surface to make it less sticky. Use a palette knife to scrape off any stuck bits of dough. Kneading strengthens the gluten and helps trap and stretch the gases created by the yeast.

After kneading for about 10 minutes, let the dough have its first proof. Place it in a bowl rubbed with a little oil and let it double in size. This can take about two hours at room temperature or longer in the fridge for more flavor development.

Once the dough has doubled in size, divide it in half and shape it into two loaves. Place the loaves in molds and cover them with a warm, damp tea towel. Let them prove for about an hour or until they have doubled in size again.

Preheat your oven to 200 degrees Celsius (400 degrees Fahrenheit) and bake the bread for 30-35 minutes. The bread is ready when it sounds hollow when tapped and has a nice crisp top.

Now, it's time to enjoy your homemade bread! Whether you use it for sandwiches or toast, this simple recipe will elevate your everyday meals into something sublime and gorgeous.

If you're interested in more baking inspiration, check out our gorgeous bakeware range by clicking the link above. And if you're in the mood for Irish soda bread, we've got a fantastic recipe for you in the information box below. Happy baking!